Easter Services Information

Special Childcare Notes

for easter services

Good Friday Service: 

For our Good Friday service there will only be nursery available (newborn - 2yrs).

Easter Services: For our early service (8:30am) there will only be nursery available.  However, for our second service (10:15am) we will have both nursery and our Children's Church available (3yrs - 2nd grade)

What to expect at our easter services

Good Friday Service

Our Good Friday service provides a reflective time to ponder the significance of Jesus' death on the cross.  The mood is intentionally more somber and reflective so as to provide a time to truly know and understand the fulness of that moment in history.  The service will include scripture readings, songs of worship, along with selective video clips, all pointing us to the cross and Jesus' sacrifice. 

This is one of our favorite services of the year because of its intentionality and focus on all that Jesus has done for us.  We always say, "You can't fully celebrate Jesus resurrection without first fully understanding His death."  

So, please join us this Good Friday (April 18th) as we reflect on the Jesus and the cross. 

Easter Service

"Christ is Risen!"  "He is Risen Indeed."  This is a back and forth saying that you most likely will hear us say a few times during this service.  Our Easter service is one of celebration and worship.  Why?  Because Easter is at the very heart of the gospel.  We serve a God that isn't dead, but alive and active in every aspect of our lives.  He went to the cross because of His love for us and now invites everyone to believe in Him.

So, that's why we have an open invitation to any who would want to join us this Easter to know and accept the great gift of salvation through Jesus's death and resurrection.  

We would be honored if you would consider joining us April 20th at one of our two services 8:30am or 10:15am.  We'll make sure to have some coffee and a yummy breakfast treat ready for you.  Oh, and a friendly face to greet you and say hi!