Miguel and angela Martinez

Our Mission

To walk alongside  Guatemalans, as they are trained and empowered to walk in the fullness of what God has for them: emotionally, physically, and spiritually.

Our Vision

To see the Guatemalan body of Christ understand their sonship as Children of God, and unite as one to keep developing the nation for God's glory.

Hola!  My name is Miguel Martinez.

I'm a husband, son, brother, teacher, designer, musician, dreamer and I have the amazing privilege of being a missionary in my own country.

That's right, I'm Guatemalan!

I was saved on April 25th, 2015; after that, my first words as a newborn were, "Whatever you want to do, I'll do it", and ever since the Lord has opened amazing doors of many opportunities for my life.

I could've never imagined what those words would bring forth, and all of what God had for my life; I'm amazed to see what He has done in my life, from leading worship and outreach to leading youth groups and groups of missionaries from the US. It's incredible to see how God can do such great things when we say Yes to Him!!

And it's because of Him that now, I'm happily married to the most amazing woman He's ever created!!

Hey Guys!  My Name is Angela Martinez.

I am originally from Seattle Washington, as a true Washingtonian I spent many years working at Starbucks!

In 2008 my life changed when I went to Ghana West Africa on a mission trip, it was there that I received my calling into missions. In 2010 I left for the World Race, where I went to 11 countries in 11 months; Guatemala was actually one of the countries that I visited, at that point I never expected to live here. After getting back from my race I accepted a job with Adventures in Missions in their home office in Gainesville GA.


A few years later I decided to come to Guatemala for a 6 month internship, little did I know that would be such a big mark in my life.

July 25th 2014 is a huge day! It’s the day I got on a plane to move to Guatemala. I had no idea that I would end up staying beyond my six months, get residency in this beautiful country, meet and marry my amazing husband, and loving life in this beautiful country.


Being a missionary for sure has its ups and downs, but I am so thankful to have this life to live. I am so excited for the opportunity to walk this life out with each and every one of you. I am blessed to be able to share this journey with you.

Andy and Rachel Meinzinger

Our Vision

Sri Lanka desperately needs the Gospel!  Our vision is to bring the Gospel to Sri Lanka by conducting Bible clubs for kids in their own neighborhoods and more importantly training local believers to do the same. For several years CEF of Sri Lanka has prayed for a full-time English-speaking worker who is willing to live and do ministry in their home country of Sri Lanka. It is our joy to do just that!

A Legacy of Faith:

Andy’s journey with Child Evangelism Fellowship® began in 2009 as a summer missionary intern in Whatcom County. He later married Rachel, whose mother served as the local CEF®director, and together, they joined the staff in 2010 as Children’s Ministry Specialists and teacher trainers. Rachel’s lifelong involvement with CEF and Andy’s passion for reaching the boys and girls for Christ solidified their commitment to the ministry.

From Washington to Sri Lanka:

For nine years, Andy and Rachel dedicated themselves to conducting Good News Clubs®, engaging children with the Gospel, Bible lessons, verses, and missionary stories. In 2019, Andy’s passion led him to join CEF International Ministries as a USA-sent missionaries to Sri Lanka, where Andy, Rachel, and their two daughters moved to in 2019. In 2022, he took the helm as the Missionary Director of Child Evangelism Fellowship of Sri Lanka.

Sri Lanka:

Andy and Rachel, along with their two daughters, now answer a new calling: full-time missionaries in Colombo, Sri Lanka. Their mission? To build a team and establish CEF Colombo, reaching children with the Gospel through their proven method: Good News Clubs.

Empowering Local Believers:

By equipping local believers to lead weekly Good News Clubs, Andy and Rachel aim to create a self-sustaining ministry. This model, successfully implemented in Whatcom County, allows for long-term impact, evangelizing and discipling children while establishing them in local churches.

Join Their Ministry team:

Andy and Rachel are committed to sharing the Gospel. Through their dedication and experience, countless children in Sri Lanka will have the opportunity to encounter the love and hope of Jesus Christ. They are excited to have you join their journey and witness the transformative power of faith in action.