Get involved with one of our ministries! No matter where you are in your relationship with Jesus, there's an opportunity for you to plug in and grow spiritually.
Ministries of CCC
CCC Kids
CCC children's ministry plays an important part in our weekly ministry opportunities! As your child journeys through the different phases of life from birth-6th grade, we consider it a privilege to partner with you.
We believe the best way we can impact the life of children is by partnering with parents. The combined influence of the church and parents is far more powerful than either of these influences working separately. We look forward to getting to know you and how we can best serve you, so that you can have the greatest
spiritual impact on your child.
Community Groups
Community Groups (Life Groups, Bible Study and Prayer Groups) are a vital part of CCC's
culture and spiritual growth. There's so much more to life than a Sunday morning once a week. So, we encourage you to connect in a Life Group to do life together. Click here to get more infomation or get plugged in.
Adult Ministry
We desire to see a vibrant and supportive network of women within our church body, equiped with God's word to do what each has been gifted to do (1 Cor. 12:27). Throughout the year there are several activities designed for women to connect and grow. Also, at various times during the school year there are a couple of bible studies offered as well (please connect with the church office if you are interested in plugging in).
Youth Group
Refuge is our middle/high school ministry for grades 7th - 12th.
We continue to create and direct Refuge programming for 2023 and beyond.
However, there will still be several activities and events scheduled this coming year that you can be informed of by liking our facebook page or instagram account.
Refuge student ministries exists in order that each student would KNOWand EXPERIENCEthe RADICAL TRANSFORMATIONAL POWER of the GOSPEL of JESUS CHRIST.
Soccer Camp
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